ABCs of FMF – Holistic HUDs

Today we talk about HUDs and how we make it easy for players to always know what’s going on in a fight.

All the info you need is around the players and enemies, so your eyes don’t need to dart to a corner of the screen. And, indicators let you know who an enemy is targeting, so players are always given a fair chance to react.

ABCs of FMF – Empowering Equipment

We hope everyone had a nice, long, and relaxing holiday.

We’re ushering in the New Year with an ABC of FMF that explains equipment drops, and how they alter the experience.

ABCs of FMF – Erasing Edges

We screwed up the alliteration on this, but today we go into more detail on the subtle mechanics that keep the fight interesting. No more standing at an edge of the arena and punching enemies off-screen until they die.

ABCs of FMF – Quickswitch Quintessentials

We’re shifting Operation Garden Market into high-gear with a video series we’re calling “The ABCs of FMF”. Today we’ll be focusing on how the game plays differently when going solo compared to playing with friends.

Pixel Artist Showcase

Greetings everyone.

We’re still working hard on our latest game, and though we don’t have anything new to show or talk about (Sorry!) the artist for our game recently posted a video showing off his skills in pixel art.  It is the fascinating evolution of what begins as a harmless stickman to an incredible and complex portrayal of pixel design.  The art is not from our game, but it’s a really nice piece and hopefully it will excite you to see our game, it certainly excites us!

If you’re a fledgling pixel artist looking to pick up some technique, or if you just want to see the birth of some awesome art, check out the link below!

Click here for pixel art!

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024