Full Metal Furies – Coming January 17, 2018

AUUGGHHH! We’re so excited to announce this!
Full Metal Furies is landing January 17th, 2018!!!

We love you all!

Rogue Legacy on Greenlight!!

Holy shazbong, our latest game, Rogue Legacy, has now been posted to Steam Greenlight.  Where the heck did that come from?

We admit, we’ve been about as bad as you can be regarding keeping our fans up to date with our progress.  It’s all to make the game as best we can though, and the good news is the game is almost finished!  So it’s not a concept or a promise anymore, it’s the real deal and we hope you’ll take the time to vote for us on Greenlight!

Please vote.  Please.  Vote.  Vote please.


If our pleading isn’t convincing enough, why not check out the official trailer for the game below?


Official Q Trailer

If the explanation for our latest mobile game, Q, made no sense to you, we’ve got a juicy trailer that explains it better than words ever could.  Check it out below, or click the link to see a higher res version! Did we mention the game is free?


® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024