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Rogue Legacy Reborn – Remix Soundtrack


Hello from TV Land!

We have some excited Rogue Legacy news for everyone.  The musicians responsible for the incredible soundtrack to Rogue Legacy are at it again, except this time they’ve joined forces with even more talent to create a Super Saiyan remix soundtrack titled Rogue Legacy Reborn.  The composers hail from some big name indie titles like Device 6, Hotline Miami, and Mark of the Ninja. You can listen to the songs on their Loudr.fm page, or better yet, watch one of the artists perform their rendition in this YouTube video:  Tetrimino – Lamprey.  If you liked the song and want more, why not support them, or check out the rest of it on Loudr.fm below!

Click here for the Rogue Legacy Reborn – Remix Soundtrack

Waat? Rogue Legacy Available for Pre-order!

It’s been a long time but we’re finally approaching the finish line!  We’re really really excited to announce that the game is available for pre-order through the humble store!  After a lot of back and forth, a few fights and a couple of dead bodies later, we’ve settled on a price of $10 USD for the game.  That’s right, you can pre-order Rogue Legacy for the equivalent price of 2 boxes of cereal.

That’s not all.  As a thank you to all the wonderful people who support us, pre-orders are packaged with a free copy of the Rogue Legacy Official Soundtrack.  The soundtrack is available immediately, and was composed by the super talented Tettix and A Shell in the Pit.

And yes, the music in the trailer is the music for the game.

Check out the pre-order site below!


If you’re having redirect problems, you can access the pre-order page directly here:

The Music of Bullet Audyssey

The response to Bullet Audyssey has been incredible, with an overwhelming number of people telling us how much they enjoy the music.  While we would love to take credit for that, the kudos really belongs to the audio talent residing at Newgrounds.com and Tettix.net.  To make the music fit the game though, many songs had to be edited, and all of them lost some quality to fit the game into a manageable size.

So below are links to all the songs in the game, in all their natural, unedited, hi-fi glory!  Check it out!

Song: Earth’s Assault on the Central AI
Song Link: www.tettix.net/albums/tech.html
Artist: Tettix
Artist Link: http://www.tettix.net


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® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024