Full Metal Furies is Out Now!



Kid in a Candy Store

We’re counting down the days to the release of Full Metal Furies.
Meg has other things on her mind…


ABCs of FMF – Holistic HUDs

Today we talk about HUDs and how we make it easy for players to always know what’s going on in a fight.

All the info you need is around the players and enemies, so your eyes don’t need to dart to a corner of the screen. And, indicators let you know who an enemy is targeting, so players are always given a fair chance to react.

ABCs of FMF – Empowering Equipment

We hope everyone had a nice, long, and relaxing holiday.

We’re ushering in the New Year with an ABC of FMF that explains equipment drops, and how they alter the experience.

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024