Battle Planes for iOS


A fellow game developer friend of ours is getting his feet wet in iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch development and has completed his first independent iOS game, Battle Planes.  We want to help out and hopefully give him some exposure so if you’re looking for a new game for your mobile device, why not give this one a shot?  It’s a fun strategy game based off a classic paper and pencil game and it’s got some terrific hand-drawn art.

Be sure to check it out on the iTunes store or click here!

Q Available Now! Only $0.00!

Our next title, Q, is now available on the AppStore for the iPhone and iPod Touch!  It’s your standard puzzle/action game with a twist.  You queue up the tiles to fill your Queue Bar, then destroy them in order to chain massive combos together.  It goes at a frenetic pace, so you’ll have to think fast and plan ahead.

And though we’re excited to unveil the game, we’re also eager to announce the price.  It’s so low that it might as well be free.  In fact, it IS free!  That’s right, we’re launching the game with the bargain basement price of nothing at all.  So what are you waiting for, why not give it a try?


New Tribal Tallies Wallpapers

Hello good people,

Despite the upcoming release of our new game, Q, we haven’t forgotten about our cute little tribesmen and we hope you haven’t either.  We’ve added a wallpaper section to our site that currently hosts designs from Tribal Tallies.  They come in a variety of resolutions for your computer or your iPhone/iPod Touch.  Just don’t let their unblinking eyes and stanch smiles unnerve you.

Be sure to check the wallpapers out here!

Latest Game Queued Up

Hey there stranger!

There’s been a bit of radio silence from us, but our latest game has gone gold for the iPhone/iPod Touch.  We’ve submitted it to Apple for approval and though we can’t go into the details, hopefully in a few short weeks we can spill the beans.  The title, Q, gives a few hints on what the gameplay is like.  But then again, it sort of doesn’t.  In any case, we hope you look forward to it and we’ll be giving more details shortly.


Tribal Tallies Lite Has Arrived


We hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday.

We’re looking forward to the New Year, and to help bring it in we’ve just released the Lite version of our iPhone/iPod Touch game, Tribal Tallies.  The Lite version offers much of what the full one does, with a complete Stage Mode, a Single Mode, and full online leaderboard and achievement integration with OpenFeint.

If you’re interested in seeing what Tribal Tallies is all about, try out the Lite version now for free!

Get it here on the AppStore!

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024