We hope everyone had a nice, long, and relaxing holiday.
We’re ushering in the New Year with an ABC of FMF that explains equipment drops, and how they alter the experience.
We hope everyone had a nice, long, and relaxing holiday.
We’re ushering in the New Year with an ABC of FMF that explains equipment drops, and how they alter the experience.
This time we’ve got a comic/write-up combo! With Rogue Legacy on sale, we thought we’d post an article about the game we wrote waaaaaay back.
Comic: http://cellardoorgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/fmf_comic7.png
Write-up: http://cellardoorgames.com/rogue-legacy-design-notes/
Steam Sale: http://store.steampowered.com/app/241600/Rogue_Legacy/
(Click image to view comic)
We’re releasing another ABC of FMF. This time we introduce the barrier system, which encourages co-operative play!
It’s official folks! Rogue Legacy is now available (tomorrow in Europe) on all of Sony’s current generation platforms! That means you can get all the Rogue Legacy goodness you need on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. Best of all, it’s all available for one single price, as the game showcases full cross-buy and cross-save support.
For those curious to know how the PS versions differ from the PC, we’ve outlined the changes below: