Rogue Legacy at PAX Prime!

We’ve got some great news to announce!
We will be at this year’s Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle.  So anyone attending the expo can now stop by our booth to see (some of) the gross creatures responsible for the development of Rogue Legacy.  We’ll be fenced behind plate glass where you can throw feed at us and watch how we function in our natural habitat (not really).
How did we score a last minute showing at PAX?  We’ll be a part of this year’s PAX 10, where a group of industry experts make a selection of some of the top indie games of the year in regards to gameplay and fun-factor.  I know! I don’t know what we’re doing there either!
We’re super flattered and honoured to be a part of this group, so be sure to check out some of the other amazing entries.

We’ve got some great news to announce!

We will be at this year’s Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle.  So anyone attending the expo can now stop by our booth to see (some of) the gross creatures responsible for the development of Rogue Legacy.  We’ll be fenced behind plate glass where you can throw feed at us and watch how we function in our natural habitat (not really).

How did we score a last minute showing at PAX?  We’ll be a part of this year’s PAX 10, where a group of industry experts make a selection of some of the top indie games of the year in regards to gameplay and fun-factor.  I know! I don’t know what we’re doing there either!

We’re super flattered and honoured to be a part of this group, so be sure to check out some of the other amazing entries.

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024