Rogue Legacy 2 is Out Now!

After nearly 2 years in Early Access we’re finally ready to launch v1.0 of Rogue Legacy 2! And while we say this with every content patch we release, this one is primed to be the biggest one yet. Along with a ton of new content like new bosses, new challenges, and *ahem* the ending, we’ve significantly rehauled many portions of the game. We wanted to make sure RL2 is the best experience possible before we send it on its way.

Like our previous patch notes, we’ll be leaving additional commentary to provide our reasoning for some of the changes. Strap in folks, because some of these explanations will take a while.

Huuuuuge shout out to the Discord Vanguard Team once again for their help. They contributed over a thousand hours of feedback and test reports over these past few months, and we absolutely couldn’t have done it without them! Thank you!

Due to the sheer number of changes we made for v1.0, there may be some inconsistencies found in the patch notes. Since the Winter Gifts Update there has been an additional 10 internal versions along with a number hotfixes. We did our best to keep track of it all, but some things may have slipped through the cracks. Our apologies in advance for any confusion.

– The Cellar Door Games Team

To read more, please check out our Patch Notes

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024

® All Rights Reserved Cellar Door Games 2024