Rogue Legacy Mac/Linux Update #2

We’re just dropping in with a short update on the Mac/Linux port of Rogue Legacy.  It’s been a while since anything has been mentioned on the ports, but we can say we are very close.  It’s currently in testing, with only a few minor bugs preventing us from making it public.  That said, we are considering delaying the ports so that they include the latest patch that we’re working on, which is a stability/content update that will be pretty big.  We know it sounds like a raw deal for a lot of people who have supported us and waiting so patiently.  This way though, we can ensure Mac and Linux users have the best possible experience with all the features and content available (or to be available) right from get-go.  If the patch takes too long to complete, we may release the ports sooner, but either way, keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks as we announce the release for those versions.

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